Tuesday, March 9, 2010

How to Shave Pubic Hair

Before you learn how to shave pubic hair, you need to ask yourself which way you wish to accomplish this. In the end though, I am sure that you will agree with me that the preferred way in which you would like to shave your pubic hair would be the safest, least messy, and quickest way possible;

If that is the case I would suggest that you forget about the razor blade and purchase a decent quality personal shaver and trimmer. These two tools are designed in such a way that it would be very difficult to cut, nick or bite your skin. In addition, you will also be less prone to razor burns and ingrown hairs. However, keep in mind that this does depend a lot on the quality of the personal shaver and trimmer.

Let's take a look at how to shave pubic hair using the personal shaver and personal trimmer;

Most personal shavers and trimmers are designed to work on dry skin, so never use them straight after a shower or during a shower. As a matter of fact, it is a great idea to sprinkle baby powder on the pubic area you wish to shave just before shaving. Baby powder will effectively dry your skin from oils and moisture that your body might have produced.

Once you have insured that your skin is dry, you can move to the next step;

Start your personal trimmer up first and trim all that long unwanted pubic hair until all you have left is stubble. In order to get the best results from your personal trimmer, it is advised that you trim at a 45 degree angle. If you come across any loose skin, use your other hand to pull the skin tight will trimming that area.

After you have completed trimming your pubic hair down to stubble, you are then ready to move to the next step;

Sprinkle baby powder on the trimmed pubic hair again, then get your personal shaver ready to start shaving.

Your personal shaver is the most effective when it's is used at a light angle. So whatever you do, don't shave with your personal shaver at 90 degrees. Also, whilst you are shaving with your personal shaver, always move it in small circular motions on the area you are shaving. Doing it this way will ensure that you are always getting the smoothest shave possible.

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